Moments to Celebrate Box


Don’t let a good thing go by without taking a moment to celebrate! Show your dearest that you are proud of them and are cheering them on!

Each Moments to Celebrate Box contains:

  • Herbal Facial Steam: Simple yet transformative, this blend of 4 herbs gives a well deserved spa moment.

  • Lemon Elderflower Cordial: This bright cordial is the perfect partner to sparkling water- and splash your fave alcohol in too!

  • Lavender Body Scrub: Exfoliate, moisturize, and rejuvenate. Need I say more?

  • Either a Pom Crown by Moth Mysticals: Handmade by reuse renegade, Z, of Moth Mysticals, this crown allows you to embody the moment of celebration!

  • OR Hand Ice Dyed Scarf by Beloved Co.: This luscious silk scarf is an anthem of Marking Goods- soft, handmade, and just a little bit ‘extra’.

  • Moments to Celebrate Ritual Card: Guiding words to name the joy of the moment.

Moments to Celebrate:
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