For Miscarriage Box
The For Miscarriage Box is here to accompany those looking to process and bear witness to their experience of miscarriage. The box is centered around a booklet that guides the mother and her partner through naming their loss, seeing each other amidst it, and marking this experience to move towards healing and hope.
The experience of miscarriage is deeply personal, varied for each person, and it is often unknown how to navigate it or be seen in it. This offering hopes to be a first step in having each partner show up to bear witness to the other and start to name what this has been for them.
**Right now this offering is geared towards a mother and a father, but in the future there will be more variations to include queer couples, those un-partnered, or those wanting to mark this with other mothers. If you are in need of this type of variation now, please send me an email on the Contact Me page.
The For Miscarriage Box includes:
A guided ritual booklet called ‘Remember. Remain. Reclaim.’ that walks a mother and her partner through their loss, seeing each other through it, and planting a seed of healing and hope;
A Beeswax Candle, a small bottle of Grounding Oil, and a Small Pot, Dirt, and Seeds to accompany the Remember. Remain. Reclaim. booklet; and
An Herbal Tea blend to comfort the aching heart and mind, and strengthen and ground the nervous system.